27 July 2008

Gettin' his TV time

remote and root beer

Hanging out in cheap hotel rooms. Drinking (root) beer. Watching reality TV. And they've barely been gone a day. By the time they get back he'll be in college, asking me for help with tuition.

26 July 2008


baby baby and baby deli meat

Everybody done R-U-N-N-O-F-T, leaving me alone with two houses and four cats.


They seem to be having fun at least.

08 July 2008

Foot Prints

bed born

On Rhus's 10 day visit to the birth center he had his footprints made on the wall in the stairway. He was pretty calm through the whole thing, much calmer than other babies we saw getting prints made during J's appointments. Also, above is a picture of J and R in front of the bed he was born in.

prints 2

prints 3
